Why is there so much Naked!Kirk???
Host: You have to admit that there have been not nearly enough hot Luke & Lorelai scenes since they became a couple. People wanna see that, believe me.
Amy: Are you criticizing me?
Amy: ´Cause you know, I´m sick of people blaming me for that!
Host: But, you are the executive producer and...
Amy: You know what? Let´s just ask Lauren and Scott what they have to say about that.
Scott: Yeah, there have been only two scenes where Lauren and I had to be naked. Two!
Lauren: No, four!
Scott: Four? I can only remember two.
Lauren: Did you forget the two times when I grabbed you by your shirt, threw you on the bed and...
Scott: Of course I remember that. But if you wanna count the times in your trailer too, that would make it five.
Lauren: Four!
Amy: See, that´s why there are not more hot Lorelai & Luke scenes. They are like that all the time. "Lauren, why do I have to be shirtless while you are dressed in that scene?" - "But Scott, this morning at home it was the other way round." And so on... I prefer working with Sean Gunn for that kind of scenes.
Sean: Oh, my clothes are beamed away again. Woohoo, another Naked!Kirk scene!