LORELAI: Luke jr., we´ll go to Daddy´s diner for lunch in 15 minutes. Make sure you are ready to go.
LUKE JR: Yes Mommy, I just want to finish that magazine that I found in Daddy´s car. In one article they wrote that a woman can get a baby if she does what these girls on the pictures are doing.
LUKE JR: Did you and Daddy do that on page 14 too to get me?
LORELAI: Since it´s your Daddy´s fault that you found that magazine I think you should ask him, Luke jr.
LUKE JR: Daddy, I found this magazine in your car. Did you and Mommy do the things on the pictures too to get me?
KIRK (thinking): Wow, interesting position. I didn´t know this is physically possible.
LUKE: You found this in my car? I know who´s responsible for that. Come on.
LUKE: Taylor, it´s your fault that my little son saw dirty pictures and asks me questions about sex. How many times did I tell you that my car is not the right place to hide your Playboy from your wife.
KIRK (thinking): Damn, I bet Taylor already tried that difficult position. I should do that with Lulu too.
TAYLOR: Come on Luke, you know how angry my wife can be. As a reparation I volunteer to explain Luke jr. how he was procreated.
LUKE: Ok, deal.
TAYLOR: Welcome to our special town meeting. I´m glad you all found the time to be here at such a short notice. Today I want to explain to Luke jr. how our dear Lorelai and Luke became his parents. They were never able to keep their hands off each other, but that even increased after their wedding.
TAYLOR: I remember that the whole town was waiting for weeks outside the closed diner to finally get something to eat again. Miss Patty told us dirty little stories about what could be going on in the apartment above the diner.
LORELAI: That was the best time of me life.
RORY: Those were the weeks when I almost starved to death.
TAYLOR: Now of course we don´t know what exactly the two of them were doing, but I created a little pamphlet with sketches to demonstrate which positions could have been involved. Don´t let you fool by the innocent title, that´s just a metaphor.
MISS PATTY (thinking): Although it´s only a sketch, that Luke looks quite impressive.
LORELAI: Ehm, Taylor. How do you know that I have a mole at that part of my body?
LUKE: Yes Taylor, how do you know that?
TAYLOR: Calm down, I didn´t look through your brightly lighted bedroom window and watched how Lorelai changed her clothes or something. You have nice wallpapers by the way. Ehm, no I just have seen baby pictures of Lorelai, that´s all. Where was I with my story? Ah yes, now that you have seen the possible positions let´s go on to the day that Luke and Lorelai finally left the apartment again.
LUKE: Sorry that you couldn´t get any food during the last weeks. But Lorelai didn´t let my leave the bed for one minute.
LORELAI: I just can´t get enough of my sexy and talented husband with the hot body. And guess what, we are getting a baby!
TAYLOR: From that day on the food supply in town broke down completely: Luke and Sookie were occupied with cooking and bringing food to the pregnant Lorelai, who was hungry 24/7. Several bad cases of food poisoning happened because many people were forced to eat at Al´s Pancake World. We all waited impatiently for the day when you, Luke jr., would be born.
TAYLOR: Finally the day came and your Mommy went into labor. With your Daddy and you sister Rory at her side, it took your Mommy 10 hours to give birth to you.
LORELAI: That part was not so good. I still remember the pain.
RORY: Yeah, me too. I´m still not able to use my left hand after you squeezed it so much.
TAYLOR: You were not the cutest baby and your sister made a fortune with admission fees for showing the ugliest pictures of you, but at least your Daddy was able to cook for us all again. So thank you Luke jr. for being born. The town meeting is closed, get home safe everyone.
LORELAI: So, what do you think. After this successful town meeting and now that Luke jr. is sleeping peacefully and it´s still early - should we try page 14 of Taylor´s magazine?
LUKE: I thought you would never ask.
LUKE: Remind me to thank Taylor the next time i see him.