Spelling Troubles
LUKE: You had 2 cheeseburgers, 5 cups of coffee, fries,...
LORELAI (thinking): He is so sexy when he reads my check to me. The way he moves his luscious lips is incredibly sensual.
LORELAI (thinking): And the way he parades around his butt in those jeans presents also a pretty view.
LORELAI (thinking): Wow, I sooo want him. Why didn´t I realize that earlier?
LORELAI (thinking): I should tell him. But how? I´m too afraid to just say `Luke, you-me-storage room in 5 minutes´. I got it: I´ll write it down, much easier than to tell him directly.
LUKE: You wrote `storage´with two `r´. And `let´s get dirty´ should not be hyphenated.
LORELAI (thinking): Crap, he´s right. I knew one day my spelling mistakes would impede my love life.
LORELAI: Ok, fine. If you can´t look over my spelling troubles I´ll go now. You don´t know what you miss. I´m pretty good at doing the things I wrote down, although I can´t spell them.
LUKE: What can I say, I´m a spelling freak. It´s a sickness.
LUKE: But hey, if you want, let´s go to the storage room for some `tutoring´.
LORELAI (thinking): I guess it´s better not to point out now that the storage room is in the other direction.
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